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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Vitamins That Help Acne Can Vitamins Alone Cure Acne

? If you've been suffering from acne for a very long time, you're probably itching for a real long-term solution to your problem. You'll be glad to know that there IS a solution to this otherwise lingering problem, and the best thing about it is that it doesn't involve expensive medicines.

Monday, September 6, 2010

How to Treat Premature Ejaculation - Butea Superba Herbal Supplement

The market these days is full of a variety of supplements in the form of pills and tonics available to cure the problem of premature ejaculation in men. So many of these products can be found online as well, and a lot of them come under the larger circle of viral marketing. If you open the spam folder of your inbox, you are likely to find a lot of mails regarding these. Same happens in chat messengers, and at times even on a lot of other websites, where the ads of such supplements come in pop-up windows. But have you ever asked yourself the question as to whether all of these supplements are actually useful or not?

Fast Arthritis Solutions To Attain Arthritis Relief

People who have arthritis are always searching for fastest and most effective solution for their condition. New and upcoming arthritis solutions are always watched out for. Researchers are always looking for the best treatment for the disease. Right now, there are more than 100 types of arthritis. To uncover the necessary cure for each one of those is quite a task.

To treat arthritis, the use of herbal medicines, synthetic drugs, exercises, and diet are recommended. Some synthetic drugs are used alongside herbal medicines to help ease arthritis. While it is generally safe to use these two ingredients together, it is still best that you talk to your doctor about it. Some herbal medicines are so potent that it may clash with the active ingredients of certain synthetic medicines. Exercise and diet are the natural ways to counter arthritis and are important to achieve recovery from the disease.

Effective Medications For Chronic Pain Relief

Chronic pain can prove to be bad experience for those who are enduring it. However, one doesn't require to live with this condition any more. Fortunately, there are medicines for beating chronic pain.

These medicines may have certain side effects. However, if you get in touch with an experienced health care practitioner, you can get the best possible medicines that would suit your medical or health condition.

Listen to your doctor pharmacist carefully prior to deciding on a particular medication. This will help you in staying away from any serious side effects that result from taking these medicines

Here are certain effective medicines usually prescribed for treating chronic pain:


The medicine treats chronic pain. The brand name for this medication is Tylenol. You should remember that most over-the-counter and prescription pain medicines contain good amount of acetaminophen in them. Hence, you need to be extra careful when taking pain relief medicines for chronic pain. Overdose of acetaminophen can result in liver damage. In case, you are taking more than 2 acetaminophen pills a day, you need to tell your doctor.

b)Non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

These drugs are said to be really effective in treating chronic pain. These medicines can be taken as soon as you feel the need to. When taken regularly these medicines tend to build up into blood and then combat the pain caused due to inflammation or swelling.

Certain medicines are also available in low-dose and can be taken without any prescription. If your doctor prescribes you to take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, make sure that you take these with milk or food. This will curb the side effects related to stomach. Taking other pain relief medicines in conjunction with NSAIDs is an absolute no-no. In case, you want to take a different pain killer, you should consult your doctor.


These relieve chronic pain. However, these can be addictive. Hence, you must consult your family doctor prior to taking them. Narcotics are the best option for people who are suffering from severe chronic pain. These drugs need to be an integral part of their treatment. Make sure that you tell your doctor about any kind of inconvenience you experience when taking this medicine. These doctors also cause constipation or difficulty in having bowel movements.

In case, you are on narcotics you must drink at least six to eight glasses of water on a daily basis. Also eat 3 to 5 serving of vegetables and 2 to 4 serving of fresh fruits on a daily basis. Inform your doctor about constipation. He or she may provide you with some laxatives to treat it.


Tricyclic anti-depressants or Duluxetine can be used to treat chronic pain.


It is a naturally occupy substance found in chilli pepper. It is used to make certain topical analgesic creams. This drug changes the pain signals in the skin. It blocks pain without blocking other sensation. This medicine will also cause a burning sensation when first applied. You need to wear gloves when applying this medicine.

About Author Bertil Hjert :

For more Articles, News, Information, Advice, and Resources about Pain Relief please visit and and

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Herbal Medicines In The Modern World

The effective use of herbal medicine in treating almost everything from minor wounds to major diseases has been well-documented throughout the ages. Indigenous tribes from Asia and Africa have used them for centuries, Oriental medicine is steeped in the use of such healing methods, and even Native Americans were known to use natural healing techniques to care for the sick.

In the Western world, however, medical science has initially shunned the use of herbal medicines and other forms of natural healing in treating illnesses. We pride ourselves in being “civilized” and believe that we know more about medicines and the treatment of diseases than other cultures. Even if other, non-traditional methods have proven themselves effective and practical, we prefer to use more conventional methods and medicines in our homes, hospitals and clinics.

But is it really true that we have no need for herbal medicines? If you answered yes, think again. You may have been using herbs to treat yourself and your family for a long, long time without you knowing anything about it. Most people believe that the modern cures and methods of treatment used in hospitals today have little to do with herbs or with natural healing in general. Little do they know that herbs have been used by medical science even before the discovery of penicillin.

Have you ever wondered what goes into that capsule or tablet that you’ve been taking every time you’ve had the flu? Did you ever think about the main ingredient used in making that antacid you’ve been using for your ulcers? Eight times out of ten, that main ingredient comes from plants. Yes, medical science has been using plants since countless decades ago to extract the most potent ingredients used in making the drugs that we know today. Be it cough syrups, painkillers, or anything else, chances are that one of, if not the, main ingredient came from medicinal plants or herbs.

Alternative healing is making a comeback, and they are here to stay. Holistic remedies such as acupuncture, aromatherapy, shiatsu massage, and of course, herbal medicines have been extensively tested by doctors and patients alike, and were proven to be effective and practical. They have been used for almost everything, from calming stressed-out nerves to reducing pain.

Herbal medicines are now packaged in capsule and tablet form to make them more appealing to consumers. Gone are the days when people have to boil some leaves and then drink the awfully-tasting broth. Believe me, there are still some countries which do exactly that. But today, you can find a wide selection of herbal medicines for a wide variety of illnesses and conditions. There are herbal medicines for gout, arthritis, rheumatism, and hypertension. There are even appetite suppressors and fat burners for the diet and weight-conscious.

These are just a few of the many ways that herbal medicines can help you and your health. As with all other medicines, however, you have to exercise proper caution and common sense in taking herbal medicines. Several of them can be taken safely without the need for prescription, but it is still recommended to consult the advice of a physician before taking any medication, natural or otherwise.

About Author Syahrul Azlan Idris :

The author is a co-founder of, which provides quality herbal medicines and other natural healing methods. Visit us to find out natural healing can help you.

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Things You Must Know Before Starting Acid Reflux Medication

There are so many different treatment options available for the acid reflux or the GERD or Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disorder. These options include lifestyle modification, heart burn modification as well as acid modification. Apart from these there are home remedies, natural remedies too for the GERD.

Now, there would be so many of you who might not know what GERD is and what are the factors that cause it? When the contents of the stomach and the digestive juices that are present in the stomach leak back into the esophagus area and then they are known as acid reflux, or the GERD. This production leads to very painful burning sensation in the esophageal area and even that burning may be felt in the throat area. This painful or the burning sensation which arises in the right side of the chest is known as heartburn.

There are five major categories which involve the heart burn treatment with the use of acid reflux medication. Let us give some insight into each of the five categories.

The first categorization includes Amphogel, Alternagel, Alka-2, Titralac and Tums. All these medicines which are in category I have the property which are helpful in neutralizing the acids present in the stomach. These are very famously known as Antacids and these can be purchased across the country as these are available without the prescription. These antacids have the property that they can be very easily taken whenever there are the symptoms of heart burn.

Some medicines such as Famotidine, Cimetidine and Rinetidine aid in blocking the acid production in the stomach. These can also be used whenever you feel the symptom of heartburn. These medicines are categorized under H2 receptors and these medicines are little slower in showing their effect to the patient’s recovery. There is third category of these medicines like omeprazole, Nexium, lansoprazole, rabeprazole. Especially, Nexium is a popular medicine for GERD. Nexium contains the drug esomeprazole and medicines like Nexium are helpful in suppressing the production of digestive acids in the stomach. These category medicines are considered the most effective and reliable cure for heartburn diseases. These medicines such as Nexium and Omeprazole, which are also categorized under the proton pump inhibitors, are also known to heal the stomach ulcerations. Which are formed due to erosive esophagitis and these are known to provide relief from the laryngitis which are very common in heart burn.

There is another categorization of the medicines for the treatment of acid reflux or the GERD, and this includes the medicines that protect the mucosal lining of the esophagus from the corrosive effect of the acidic digestive juices which are present inside the stomach. Although this category of medicines are not so often prescribed but these are found to be very much reliable and effective in heart burn where painful ulcerations are treated. The last category of the acid reflux or GERD treatment are the medicines like Baclofen, which help in strengthening the lower esophageal sphincter and this is considered effective acid reflux medication. This medicine helps in the treatment of heart burn that may be cause
d either by acid as well as non acid reflux
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Remedies for gastric problems and Divya Gashar Churna

Having gastric problems can be disturbing, frustrating, and uncomfortable. Repeated bouts with gas, flatulence, upset stomach, and acid stomach can make one rather miserable. There are several home remedies which can be taken to help alleviate most types of gastric problems.

If one has a problem with gastric problems after a meal, a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water will quickly alleviate any stomach issues. Almost any kind of mint will also help. Peppermint and spearmint are both good remedies. Spearmint is milder than peppermint and is more often given to children for that reason. There are various teas which will also help get rid of gastric problems, such as any mint tea, ginger, or chamomile tea.

Gas pain is an excruciating discomfort that comes unannounced. Its symptoms are bloating, passing of bad gas and belching. With this in mind, one should be aware of its simple remedies to relieve the least temporarily. There are different possible causes of gas pain and at the same time, there are different effective remedies for it.

Several types of food and drinks can cause gas pain. Beans usually create a gas build-up in the stomach. Carbonated drinks and oily products also produce a lot of gas in it. Another culprit is the lactose or dairy products where a lot of people are allergic with. One should also take into consideration how the food was prepared. The beans should be cooked thoroughly so it could be digested properly.

Swami Ramdev primarily advises to follow Pranayama Package for vibrant and healthy life. He says that all the diseases are curable through Pranayama Package: Combination of pranayama with Asana, Suksham Vayaam (light exercise), Mudras and Acupressure. He recommends Divya Medicines only in special cases, and for speedy recovery which will strengthen the immune system and quicken the healing process. Swami Ramdev's Divya Medicines are 100% natural, made from potent herbs such as the ashtavarga healing plants of the himalayas. They have proven extremely effective for combating all forms of sickness and disease.

Divya Gashar Churna for Removal of Gas

* Divya Gashar Churna helps in digesting the food, so there is no incidence of gas & acidity, etc., caused by indigestion.

* Divya Gashar Churna immediately cures feeling of heaviness of abdomen, flatulence, colic pain and anorexia after food.

* Divya Gashar Churna (powder) keeps away the gas of abdomen.

There are several home remedies for gas pain that you can do at home:

1. Drink tea with a sprinkle of cinnamon.

2. For adults, eat caraway seeds.

3. Every morning, have a glass of warm water with lemon.

4. Have some peppermint tea.

5. Put some two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a cup of water and then drink it up.

6. Put fennel seeds into a boil, strain, and then drink the fennel seeds water.

7. You blanch ginger with cinnamon, and then drink the warm ginger cinnamon water.

8. Have a warm cup of chamomile tea.

9. Put a half teaspoon of baking soda in a cup of water and then drink it up to relieve the bloating.

10. In a cup of warm water, mix one tablespoon of lime juice and one tablespoon of ginger and then drink it up.

Other natural remedies for Gas problems are:

• Make mint tea, add some ice cubes and wait till its cold. Drink the cold tea to cure gas.

• Cinnamon tea and chamomile tea are well known remedies for gassy stomach; drink the tea in small sips.

• Boil 1 cup of water and add a slice of lemon in the water. Stir well and drink.

• Cook 3 potatoes for a few minutes. Take some of the cooking water and drink.

• Sour cream will relax your stomach and make you feel better. Eat 1-2 tablespoons when ever you feel gassy.

• Bloating stomach can be treated by drinking water with apple cider vinegar.

• Boil water in a pot; add cinnamon and ginger and drink.

• Baking soda is very effective as a cure for gas problems, melt some baking soda in water and drink.

• Take 1-2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to relax the stomach.

• Drink funnel seeds tea.

Many people bring their own home remedy digestive solutions to a restaurant in order to better enjoy going out to eat, and one should never be embarrassed to bring a little bit of baking soda or peppermint candy with them to the restaurant. It will be of great benefit to bring one’s own remedies along so that one will not be miserable and can enjoy their time eating a good meal without gastric problems.

Did you know gastric problems can be very disturbing?? It can absolutely be treated naturally! See how divya gashar churna helps in digesting the food. With the right remedies for gastric problems you can easily get rid of the pain.
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Darvocet and Darvocet-N – Most Effective pain relief medication ...

Darvocet and Darvocet-N are the medications always prescribed by doctors for relief from mild to moderate pain. This medication is a combination of a propoxyphene and acetaminophen. Propoxyphene increases pain tolerance and decreases discomfort, but the presence of pain is still apparent. Acetaminophen relieves pain by elevating the pain threshold. It reduces fever through its action on the heat-regulating center of the brain. The combination of propoxyphene and acetaminophen gives greater pain relief than taken separately.

Take Darvocet medication by mouth as directed by your doctor or pharmacist. It can also be taken with food if abdominal pain occurs. Dosage depends upon your medical condition and response to treatment. Pain medications always work best if used whenever the earliest signs of pain occur. If a patient waits until the pain worsens, darvocet may not work as well. Follow darvocet & darvocet-n medication exactly as prescribed by your doctor or pharmacist. Do not increase the maximum daily dosage or take it more often or use it longer than prescribed as it may result in habit. Do not suddenly cease taking medication without your doctor's advice, If this drug is prescribed for an longer period of time. Consult with your doctor if medication stops working accordingly. Darvocet contains acetaminophen. Do not take more of it than prescribed.

Some of the possible side effects caused by Darvocetand Darvocet-N are: Nausea, vomiting, constipation, lightheadedness, dizziness and drowsiness, headache or blurred vision may occur. If any of the above mentioned side effects occurs or worsen, consult your doctor or pharmacist promptly. If highly unusual but very serious side effect occurs such as : change in the amount of urine, do notify it to your doctor immediately. If you do not have liver abnormalities, the adult maximum dosage of acetaminophen is 4 grams per day i.e 4000 milligrams. If a patient takes more than the maximum daily dosage, it may result in serious effect (possibly fatal) liver disease. Propoxyphene can also quite rarely cause liver disease. Notify to your doctor as soon as possible if you come across any of the following symptoms of liver damage: severe vomiting, abdominal pain, yellowing of eyes or skin, dark urine, extreme fatigue. Symptoms of few serious allergic reactions include: rash, itching, swelling, severe dizziness, trouble in breathing. Darvocet and Darvocet-N drug should not be used with the mentioned medication as it may result in very serious interactions: naltrexone. If you are taking naltrexone medication now consult your doctor or pharmacist before starting Darvocet & Darvocet-N. Prior taking this medication, notify your doctor or pharmacist of all prescription and nonprescription/herbal products you may follow, especially of: "blood thinners”, carbamazepine, cimetidine, MAO inhibitors and other pain relief drugs like tricyclic antidepressants. Consult with your doctor or pharmacist if you also take medications that cause drowsiness such as: anti-anxiety drugs antidepressants, antihistamines, anti-seizure drugs, sleeping pills, muscle relaxants, psychiatric medication and tranquilizers. Go through the labels on all your medicines because they may contain combinations that cause drowsiness. Also check the labels on other pain relievers, fever reducers or cold products prior you follow them to see if they contain acetaminophen. Do not start or stop any medication unless approved by your doctor or pharmacist. Before taking Darvocet medication, do consult with your doctor or pharmacist if you are allergic to it; or if you have any other allergies. Darvocet can possibly make you dizzy or drowsy; be careful while engaging in activities requiring alertness such as driving or using machinery. Avoid alcohol as it may increase the chances of side effects. Often consumption of alcohol, especially when combined with acetaminophen, can result in increase your risk for liver damage. Consult with your doctor or pharmacist for more information. To reduce chances of dizziness and lightheadedness, get up slowly when rising from a seated or lying position. Caution is advised while using this medication in the elderly as they may be more sensitive its ill effects, especially drowsiness. In case of pregnancy, darvocet should be taking strictly only if needed. It is highly not advised for use for long periods or in high dosage near the expected delivery date to avoid the chances of fetal harm. Always discuss the risks and advantages with your doctor. Propoxyphene with acetaminophen passes into breast milk. Consult your doctor before breast-feeding; while there are no reports of harm to nursing infants.

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Which Hair Treatments are Effective?

I am thirty five years old and was suffering from the problem of severe hair loss and hair thinning for the last several months. It first started to appear on top of my head and I did not notice. I started noticing the problem when it gradually started to affect the thickness of my hair all over the head. My thick hair stared to become thin gradually exposing my skin on the head and I was very much embarrassed. The hair loss started affecting my confidence and I became absent minded. It had a negative impact on my enter career and family life for I started to get short tempered and moody.

To prevent hair loss and resist the onslaught of baldness, I tried a large variety of hair loss treatment formulas, both herbal and chemical based, to cure or at least to reduce the rate of hair loss. I spend a fortune in search of an ideal medical formula to find an effective medication for my hair loss problem. At first I experimented with the topical medicines as per the advice of the elders at home. At the beginning it gave me a ray of hope when the hair falling rate was reduced by a considerable rate. Unfortunately it did not last. After a few weeks of usage my hair started falling again in the same rate as it was before. I was very much dejected and almost lost hope in medications that would prevent hair loss.

Believing the offers made by the media such as television and periodicals, I went after some herbal no prescription hair loss treatment method. Nothing could save me from my embarrassing problem. Then I decided to stop all the experiments and to consult a dermatologist. The doctor asked me to undergo a number of clinical tests and prescribed me some medicines with an assurance of hair re growth. These medicines included both for intake and external application. These medicines too after an initial response yielded no permanent and lasting cure to my problem. Further it had serious side effects like dizziness, loss of appetite and sexual drive. I therefore was afraid and thought it appropriate to discontinue the medicines prescribed by the doctor.

Here is a brief review of the hair treatment I tried. First I tried provillus. It is a well known hair regrowth treatment, unfortunately it doesn't have the results to prove itself. The company has spent alot on advertising which has given provillus a good name. A quick google search will reveal that many customers are calling it a scam.

Propecia is also another popular hair regrowth treatment. However sexually active men prefer to steer clear of the product as erectile dysfunction is a major side effect.

Alopecia is another hair loss treatment claiming to totally restore lost hair. This is also a product that doesn't have proof or good reviews from the public. It is estimated that 13% of the alopecia users find the product effective as opposed to the 87% who found the product ineffective.

I tried all of these pills and found nothing worked.

When a qualified medical practitioner also failed to provide a proper cure, I almost stopped my search for a cure from hair loss. It was then one of my friends told me about Procerin. He told me that he had acute hair loss and was a dejected man like me. It was then he came across Procerin and he assured me that the use of this medicine is definite to yield positive results. He told me that his case is a testimony to the success of Procerin.

Believing my friend's words, I started using Procerin and after about ninety days use, believe me I was surprised to note that my existing hair was no longer falling. There were no adverse side effects for the medicine. It saved me from a condition of complete baldness. It brought me back my lost confidence

An Overview Of The Different Arthritis Medications

Patients suffering from arthritis have to undergo a wide range of treatments which includes medication. There are over 100 medications that are presently being used to treat arthritis. However medicines at this stage can only help people suffering from arthritis, and not act as a cure. The medicines can be used to reduce pain, improve joint mobility, decrease flare-ups and reduce inflammations. The aim of this article is to present an insight into 4 main types of medicines that can be used by arthritis patients.

The first category is called pain-relieving medicines which include aspirin, paracetemol and ibuprofen. As a matter of fact, aspirin and ibuprofen are mainly anti-inflammatory drugs; however they also contain small amounts of pain killing doses. These pain relieving drugs are available at almost all chemists, without subscription from doctor.

Anti-inflammatory medicines can be used to decrease flare-ups and reduce swelling. It comes in two packages which include Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and steroids. NSAIDs need to be taken over an extended period of time so to make it more effective. However its side effects include stomach problems. It is the most common prescribed medicine against arthritis. Some NSAIDs include naproxen (Naprosyn), fenbufen (Lederfen), piroxicam (Feldene) and Cox - 2 inhibitors. However there have been concerns raised about the safety of Cox-2. Steoids are very effectives against inflammation. However they can cause harm to the body is used for a long period of time. They are mainly used to bring severe cases of arthritis under control before any further prescriptions are given.

Disease-modifying medicines are used with cases which involves damage to the immune system such as by rheumatoid arthritis and juvenile idiopathic arthritis. They can be either taken in by mouth or through injections and deals with the whole of immune system, instead of the symptoms. Some types of this kind of medicine are methotrexate, sulfasalazine and gold (sodium aurothiomalate).

Biologic response modifiers (BRMs) are increasingly being used in the treatment of arthritis. They were used to treat severe cases of rheumatoid arthritis, however now they have assumed a new role and are used to treat patients in the early stages of arthritis, so to prevent profound damage to the joints. Although many people with rheumatoid arthritis find BRMs effective, it is still not suited for everyone with arthritis. The downside of these products is that they are expensive and can only be given through injections or infusion.

All medicines contain some side effects. Also these side effects may vary from patient to patient. Many patients undertaking arthritis related medicines experience certain side effects such as stomach pain. Nevertheless arthritis medicines can be very powerful and can have a profound effect on the body. There are certain approaches in order to reduce minimize the side effects. It is important to take to take medicines according to instructions such as 2 times in the day. Your doctor must be constantly supervising you so that he or she can see whether the intake is going according to the plan. Another important aspect to be taken into account is that the benefit of taking the medicine shall be weighed against the harm of not taking them. Arthritis can get worse if no medication is taken.

The reason so many medicines for arthritis has been produced is to meet specific demand of arthritis patients. Also using one can have side effects. Therefore the range of medicines allows a person to choose ones that gives least side effects to him or her. Before you start taking any medicine, it is essential for you to contact your family so to great a grip of the actual situation and choose the medicine that best caters to your needs. Additionally, it is very important for pregnant women to consult their doctors. Some medicines contain strong side effects and can be harmful to the baby. Therefore it is essential to adjust medication in such cases.

What Are Herbal Medicines And How They Optimize Your Health?

Herbal medicine is considered to be one of the oldest forms of medicine to date. Throughout the history of many different cultures, this type of medicine has been practiced and deemed as an appropriate means of optimizing the overall health of individuals. One of the main reasons that so many people rely on herb based medicine is because of the fact that this form of treatment is not often related to dangerous side effects and complications. However, chemical based medications account for many different side effects and complications.

Herbs are derived from plants that are considered to be safe on the most part. However, it is important to understand that many plants have been found to have a small portion of toxicity. This means, as with any type of medicine and/or treatment, it is important to be alert to the fact that even though certain remedies are considered to be safe there is the potential for side effects and that natural herbs should never be underestimated when it comes to this possibility. However, way more chemical based medications have been associated with these dangers than natural herbs have.

If you elect to indulge in herbal medications for a treatment or to simply optimize your health, it is best to discuss this with a licensed medical doctor. The doctor will be able to provide insight on whether or not this is a good idea for you. The professional will evaluate your medical history, and any reactions that you have had with standard medicine to determine if there is cause to be concerned. While many doctors will insist that natural remedies are not the route to take with many, there are quite a few out there that will support the use of this type of medicine.

If you elect to take herbs, it is important that you understand that many of these substances have the potential to interact with other medications. It is also important to understand that may herbs will counteract with other herbs as well. If you are taking any type of medication for any issue, or any other type of herbal remedy, it is absolutely necessary to ensure that the one that you desire to take does not and will not interfere with the other medications and treatments that you are taking. If they do, you may become subject to potentially dangerous side effects.

A lot of research has been conducted when it comes to herbs. Many herbs have been found effective for certain conditions while other herbs have been considered inappropriate for the same conditions. If you want to partake in a natural treatment, it is important that you completely research the condition that you are attempting to treat and the herb that you are considering. There are many myths surrounding herbs and the treatment of certain conditions, and it is important that you take the time and make the effort to determine the difference between myth and reality. If you fail to do this, you may only cause more problems for yourself than you anticipated.

Herb based medicine is an old area of study when it comes to medicine, this is true. However, scientists and individuals who study herbs are discovering new things about medicine that is derived from plants on a daily basis. New advantages and disadvantages are being discovered almost daily. It is absolutely essential that if you are interested in this type of medical treatment that you stay on top of the research and studies. This will allow you to have conclusive evidence as to which treatments are effective and which treatments are not effective.

A Brief Overview On High Blood Pressure Medicines

Life style changes greatly contribute in curbing hypertension. But a consistent rise in blood pressure must be treated by medications in consultation with doctor only. For, some over the counter medicines should be strictly avoided in such a condition.

High blood pressure happens to be a widespread disease among people all around the world but we, Americans due to increased level of cholesterol, are more prone to this malady that often results in severe complications. There could be various reasons for why heart exerts more pressure on the blood flow that is popularly known as high blood pressure.

One common reason among Americans is widespread occurrence of high level of cholesterol. In case you discover yourself with this disease, you are needed to lay stress on dietary control. Life style changes greatly contribute in curbing hypertension. But a consistent rise in blood pressure must be treated by medications in consultation with doctor. There exist some over the counter medicines that you should strictly avoid in favor of prescription medications.

There are four common groups of high blood pressure medication that are as follows:

Angiotensin- Converting Enzyme (ACE) Inhibitors

With the help of these medications, functions of enzymes that happen to bring constriction in arteries are inhibited. This constriction often happens to be a cause of hypertension. There could be certain side effects such as excessive thirst and loss of taste with intake of these inhibitors, but these effects last for only a few days. These are relatively newer drugs.


It is most common medication for high blood pressure. This medication works in two possible ways. When diuretics are taken with a mild dosage it assists in relaxing blood arteries. The other work performed by it is facilitating out flow of excess water and sodium through urine in order to lessen the amount of blood. The only side effect associated with this medicine is reduction in potassium level of your body that happens to be an essential element for the normal functioning of body. For that food rich in potassium could be taken in plenty. Doctors often suggest potassium tablets along with this medication.

Calcium Channel Blockers

This group of medicines is not too old, but their usage is gaining momentum. They affect blood pressure in a very different way. They usually tend to disrupt smooth inflow of calcium in body cells, thus reducing cells intake of calcium. With reduced calcium heart rate gets reduced easing pressure on moving blood.

Beta -Blockers

Medicines of this group directly cast their impact on nervous system by making brain give a retarding signal to heart. The heart rate gets retarded and in turn pace of blood circulation decreases. Thus hypertension gets reduced. This medicine is rarely prescribed to diabetics with hypertension.

These are some common medications that you should take in consonance with constant monitoring of blood pressure through blood pressure monitor equipments. Lastly, beware of one thing. Don't overdose yourself with these medications, consequences could be disastrous.

Source: Free Articles from

How to Safely Use Over - The - Counter Medicines

While over-the-counter medicines come without a prescription, it is often wise to practice caution, because OTC medicines have their own side-effects.

Often it is the notion that some of the most common and frequently occurring diseases are quickly treated with over-the-counter medicines, that can be bought from any medical or pharmaceutical stores without a doctor's prescription. To some extend, yes, OTC medicines can function as quick functioning pain relievers and temporary disease cures, but this is not always the case. If you are not aware of which medicine functions the best for what purpose and how your body will react when the medicine is taken, it is never completely safe to get into the habit of popping in over-the-counter medicines; OTC medicines taken in high dosage or continuously over a period of time can do more harm than good.

Which Medicines can be bought Over-the-counter?

Mostly all the small dosage pain relievers are sold over-the-counter. However, it is often the Food and Drug administration institution of a country that analysis, if a drug is fit to be bought without an authorized physician's prescription. Like all medicines, even OTC medicines have certain side-effects and as per rule, only those medicines that are approved by the aforementioned institution are legally allowed to be sold as over-the-counter medicines in any pharmaceuticals.

Using Over the Counter Meds with Caution:

Always remember that no over-the-counter medicine gives you complete relief from an existing illness. In fact, all what the over-the-counter drugs do is to suppress the disease causing bacteria or may be virus for a shorter period or in the case of pain relievers suppress the pain inducing part of the brain, which makes it very clear that OTC medications provide just temporary relief. And this is the reason why such over the counter medicines seem to work better for diseases like common cold, head ache, itches, tooth pain and the kind.

Here are some measures you can follow if ever you happen to take over the counter medicines:

Consider talking over-the-counter medicines only if you are in real need of that; making it a habit can return serious after-effects.

Always ask and confirm before buying, if the medicine is legally approved by the guiding institution to be sold as over the counter medicine

Never consume OTC medicines continuously over a period of time

Always stick on to the recommended dosage in the medicine label and do not take higher dosages that can cause some serious health issues like liver damage, kidney malfunction etc.

If the symptoms of the disease for which you consumed the medicine do not seem to vanish or get worse, immediately consult an authorized physician for a prescribed treatment.

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Alternative Medicines - Why The Silence?

There are many effective alternative medicines and natural treatments out there for all sorts of medical conditions. Why don't you hear about them? Here are a few reasons.

If there are alternative medicines and natural treatments that really work, why don't we hear more about them? I don't think there are many true conspiracies around, but this is one of those areas that makes me wonder. The movement between government posts and positions in the pharmaceutical corporations is well documented. This easy movement between the boardrooms the FDA and other agencies certainly leaves room for abuse and "back door agreements."

More often than not, though, there is just a conspiracy-of-common-interest that prevents safe alternative medicines from coming to market, or from becoming widely known. For example, drug companies don't want the competition of safe alternatives to their drugs. Meanwhile, it is politically safer for the FDA to not allow a product, because if they approve something and it causes any problems, they get the blame. This is a convenient coinciding of interests.

Also, natural products, like silymarin (Milk Thistle Extract), which is used all over Europe to treat poisonings and to protect the liver, are legal here, but not well known. This is because, as a natural product, there is no way to patent it. Without being able to exclude others from selling it, no company can afford to spend the millions it would take to get it approved as a medicine here.

A natural product also can't be marketed heavily. Imagine if a large company spent millions to promote a medicinal herb. As soon as they got the public's attention, all the smaller companies could undercut them on the price, since they spent nothing on marketing, and a plant product is usually the same no matter what the name on the label. No company wants to spend big money on a product they don't have an exclusive right too.

When a plant isn't approved as a natural treatment, there are no pharmaceutical reps out there educating doctors about it (Didn't you know that's how doctors keep educated?). In addition, even if a doctor has read about a useful plant, he is more likely to face a malpractice suit for an allergic reaction to an alternative medicine than from killing someone with a "standard and accepted" treatment. Which do you think he'll recommend?

Companies face the same issues of liability. In addition, the companies are limited in what they can say about these natural products. This is why you can look all over the box that some plant medicines come in, and never once see a mention of what it is for. It is tough to learn about these natural treatments, isn't it?

In other words, if you want to know about alternative medicines and medical treatment, you have to look outside the mainstream for your information. You have to read the magazines that cover these alternatives, and sometimes, when it is safe, you have to even experiment a little on yourself.

As for my own approach, I like to see that there is actually some real research that demonstrates a benefit. Anecdotal evidence doesn't mean much. People get better all the time, and credit whatever they happened to be using at the time. On the other hand, if it is inexpensive and safe, like eating blueberries to improve vision, I'll try almost anything once.

Do natural treatments work? Sometimes. I have twice removed skin growths from my face that may have even been pre-cancerous. They were there for many years, yet it took just weeks to make them disappear using a simple and cheap natural product. I have also witnessed the fastest healing of a cut (on my foot) that I've ever seen, after applying a common plant to it. Some alternative medicines really do work.

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Asthma Information

Asthma is a chronic disease that affects your airways. The muscles of the bronchial walls tighten, and cells in the lungs produce extra mucus further narrowing your airways. This can cause minor wheezing to severe difficulty in breathing. Asthma affects more than 22 million Americans and causes nearly 2 million emergency room visits ever year.Signs of an asthmatic episode include wheezing (tachypnea), prolonged expiration, a rapid heart rate (tachycardia), rhonchous lung sounds (audible through a stethoscope), and over-inflation of the chest. There are many causes of asthma. Family history combined with certain environmental factors influences whether or not someone develops asthma. Smoking during pregnancy significantly increases the risk of a child developing asthma.

Environmental pollution can make asthma symptoms worse and may play a part in causing some asthma. Adult onset asthma may develop after a viral infection. Irritants found in the workplace may lead to a person developing asthma. Signs of an asthmatic episode include wheezing (tachypnea), prolonged expiration, a rapid heart rate (tachycardia), rhonchous lung sounds (audible through a stethoscope), and over-inflation of the chest. Children often have an audible whistling or wheezing sound when exhaling and frequent coughing spasms.

Anticholinergic medications, such as ipratropium bromide may be used instead. Oral medications include aminophylline, leukotriene antagonists, and corticosteroid tablets. Cromolyn sodium prevents the release of certain chemicals in the lungs, such as histamine, which can cause asthma. Anticholinergic medications, such as ipratropium bromide may be used instead. Oral medications include aminophylline, leukotriene antagonists, and corticosteroid tablets. Theophylline relaxes the muscles surrounding the air passages and prevents certain cells lining the bronchi from releasing chemicals, such as histamine, which can cause asthma. Expectorants help thin airway mucus, making it easier to clear the mucus by coughing. The best way to prevent asthma attacks is avoid indoor and outdoor allergens and irritants.

Asthma Treatment and Prevention Tips

1. Corticosteroids is alsp helpful against asthma.

2. Using a peak flow meter can be very helpful ( in children).

3. Theophylline, which is used either alone to treat mild persistent asthma.

4. Allergy-desensitization shots (immunotherapy) may help if you have allergic asthma.

5. Long-term-control medications are used regularly to control chronic symptoms.

6. Cromolyn and nedocromil, which are used to treat mild persistent asthma.

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Who Else Wants To Know The 3 Effective Types Of Asthma Medicine

Many asthmatics once they are being diagnosed with asthma by their doctors, they will evaluate the severity of your asthma and determine what type of asthma medication will work best for you.

While there are literally hundreds of different drugs that can be used to treat asthma, essentially there are two different categories of medicine that can be prescribed: controller medicines and quick-relief medicines.

1) Controller Medicine

This type of asthma medicine will aid in controlling the inflammation in the lungs which will allow for easier breathing and less attacks. Some known controller medicines are Vanceril, Tilade, Intal, AeroBid and Accolate. This type of asthma medicine is usually prescribed in the form of an inhalant or a pill. If you experience frequent asthma attacks, or cough uncontrollably, your doctor will probably instruct you to take this kind of asthma medicine every day.

2) Quick-Relief Medicine

While this type of asthma medicine can be quite effective, it is normally not safe for daily use. Its use is intended to control an active asthma attack, or prevent an attack once symptoms have become apparent. This type of asthma medicine is also sometimes referred to as a "rescue medicine.? Some of the known quick-relief medicines are Albuterol, Atrovent and Prednisone. This type of asthma medicine can be prescribed as a liquid, a pill and as an inhalant.

3) Other Asthma Medicine

There is also another group of medicines that are used to treat asthma. This type of asthma medicine is known as a combination medicine. Combination medicines contain both a controller medicine and a quick-relief medicine in the same inhaler. In the recent past, an inhaler has been approved that lets the user adjust the amount of medication that is being administered so it can be changed according to a person?s condition.

Common Side Effects of Asthma Medicine

All medicines have the ability to cause side effects, and an asthma medicine is no exception. While most people are able to receive asthma treatment free of unwanted side effects, there have been some side effects reported by those using an asthma medicine.

Some of the common side effects reported are headache, voice changes, sore throat, swollen glands in the neck, runny nose, hoarseness and congestion. If you experience side effects as the result of taking an asthma medicine, be sure to inform your doctor at once.

With the help of an asthma medicine, many asthma sufferers are able to lead full, active lives that are productive. While not all sufferers will experience the same level of control over their asthma, using an asthma medicine can greatly improve their quality of life.

At those times, your asthma medication will be very important to you. You won?t want to leave your home once you have your asthma medication without it. Don?t suffer anymore and make sure you get the asthma medication that you need as soon as possible!

Remember, you are not destiny to suffer from this dreadful disease as most asthma medication can free yourself from asthma attacks thus saving your life. However. you should never add to, or alter any component of your current asthma treatment without first consulting your physician.

However, many asthmatics sometimes tend to forget that although they are taking proper and effective asthma medications, but without a proper asthma recovery system, there will not be much asthma free lifestyle to hope no matter how much knowledge you have with regards to the medications.

Apply this knowledge in your medication together with an effective asthma recovery system - enjoy your life once again.

You Can Safely Use Herbs To Increase Your Metabolism

Herbal medicines and dietary supplements are not as strictly regulated to the arena of prescription drugs and over-the-counter medications, so it's important to trust the source before you start buying herbs as a means of boosting your metabolism. The most important thing that you need to know is what herbs are in the supplement or prescription that you buy. Since entire plants are often used in herbal medicines, consumers should be aware of the individual ingredients and the effects they can have on you with prolonged or short term use. A reputable dealer will always list the contents of herbal supplements for you or provide you with a pamphlet to explain it to you.

Because of the classification of dietary supplements by the Food and Drug Administration, herb manufacturers are not allowed to claim that herbs are effective for the treatment of diseases and other conditions but that is another story. But as history shows, herbs are time-tested throughout the world as a safe and effective way to battle certain diseases and afflictions.

Herbs act the same way as modern drugs and can be addictive at times, so it is important to use them correctly and not take more than the recommended dosage. Even though they are all-natural, taking too much of anything often can have serious health consequences. Some people also experience mild side effects from herbal medicines although most do not. That is why it is so important that you realize that even herbal drugs are still drugs.

While some doctors will prescribe herbal medicines as well as other treatments in combination, most people tend to use herbs without talking to their doctor. Because herbs contain many different compounds that may interact with other drugs like prescription drugs and cold remedies, people who plan to take herbal products should always consult their doctor before they begin. This is especially important for pregnant women, and people who take other medications and those who are especially sensitive to medications or certain herbal products. So before you start taking or buying herbal medicines over the counter, make sure that you know everything that there is to know first. It is just safer for you that way.

Just because herbs are natural doesn't mean that you can mistake this for being harmless. The same can be said of organic materials. Boosting your metabolism naturally doesn't mean that you cant get help it just means that you will not take any chemically based items to help you. There are many natural supplements that can help with your metabolism, but you still have to be wary. Do not take anything that without consulting a doctor. It is just common sense.

Natural Health Medicine Versus Chemical Health Medicine

Our bodies are like our cars. They need to be properly maintained in order for them to function at their best. Therefore the right mechanic is needed when our cars break down and the same applies to your body.

The best thing is to find the best medicine that will be fast and effective. And in the health market out there, there are tons of medicines that will promise to do just that, yet at the same time, the small print tells us to beware of the side effects.

This little warning is one that we often ignore. Yet at the same time it is important to acknowledge its existence so that we do not end up making ourselves even sicker.

Natural health medicine has the benefits in that it is one of the few medicines that have little or no side effects. The only side effect that it might have is if you are allergic to a certain ingredient and you didn't know it.

While, with chemical health medicines, you are more likely to experience some side effects, as the warning messages clearly state. That is because many people are allergic to most chemicals, which means their bodies will react in a negative way in order to expel the allergen.

Chemical health medicine does, however, also work, but the side effects make it less appealing.

In the long run, using natural health medicines will clearly be better for your body, as they will achieve the same result, but over a long period of time. Rather than bombarding your body with harsh chemicals, natural health medicines help your body to fight disease and cleanse itself while fortifying it with nutrients to prevent further pathology.

At the end of the day, it is important to choose the right medicine for your problems. If you simply want a quick fix for your problem, then concentrated chemical medicines might be the answer; if, on the other hand, you want a longer, more sustainable solution to your problem, you should definitely use natural health medicines

Acne Medicine for Mild and Severe Acne

Lots of people take medication without thinking about safety or how their structure will react to the presence. The unlucky truth is that lots of medications, over the counter as well as prescription, present several serious risks to the users. This might range from simple skin annoyance to more serious occurrence, which might require hospitalization. The best acne medicine is no different and has to be used sensibly and chosen with your personal health in consideration.

Before purchasing or else using any kind of acne medicine, confirm reading outside packaging for any warning notices. In addition, pay very close attention to instructions as well as guidelines for usage, which should be followed carefully. If you are making use of any kind of cream or else lotion as acne medicine, apply it only to a test area of your skin primarily. This has to be done so that you can ensure the product does not annoy your skin before applying it to rest of affected area. This is not just important to do with the new medicines, but also with the acne medicine, which you have utilized before. Product that does not originally cause irritation might cause it during next use, as a result always use test application technique before exposing your complete problem area to likely irritation. There are many kinds of acne medicine available in market today such as creams; gels some of those newly added like foam it is hard to believe that foam can also be the form of acne medicine.

Let us take a closer look at these; best choice for you will depend on the severity of your form in order to decide the right acne medicine. Your dermatologist will be able to select best choice for your skin type.

Acne Creams are good for people with sensitive as well as dry skin since they offer with moisture in their method. Gels may be good for those people with the oily skin or else anyone living in the hot, humid climates since gels usually has alcohol also causes for dry skin condition. However water-based gels may be well again for those with the dry or sensitive skin.

Acne Solutions are alcohol based and it can cause dry skin and irritating skins certain times for a few people and finally we have foams that are innovative to the market. Foams like VersaFoam that is well spread and leave residue.

There are some kinds of acne medicine, which can be prescribed by the dermatologist.

Azelaic Acid is the prescription that is used to treat the mild to modest inflammatory and non-inflammatory type of acne. It’s as well believed to clear the acne by reducing inflammation and regulating any nonstandard skin cell shredding. This type of acne medicine is also considered very effective in order to handle the dark spot that is developed in people with the type of skin color. Further acne medicine is Benzoyl Peroxide although it will not decrease inflammation since it is used in lots of over-the-counter acne medicines it has ability to kill P. acnes.

When choosing acne medicine, select one with no side effects. Medicine is intended to treat ailment as well as not to make it worse or else create fresh ones in a process. As it is true that lots of conventional medicines take their own possible risks, there are certain products that do not. It is extremely important to think any side effects before using any kind of acne medicine.

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Herbal Medicines the Primitive Healing Practice

Medicines are there to eliminate numerous health problems in the body. And with advancement of science and technology, production of medicines for different purposes is enhancing and thus we can get rid of several health related troubles. By the term herbal we mean the medicine extracted or synthesized from the plants and its products. Medicines are the part and parcel of today's living where development has reached the peak, at the same time this development lead to the emergence of different fatal and non-fatal health problems.

Herbal medicines are the primary health management and this practice of healing a broad range of complaints or to boost health with plants and plant extracts are the principle of herbalism or phytotherapy. The concept of herbal medicine is the most primitive form of healthcare playing a vital role in the development of recent medicine which we are using today.

In other words we can define herbal medicine as the utilization of plants along with herb extracts intended for their therapeutic and curative value. The majority of the plants species found to have and produce chemical essences that facilitate in healing and supplementary physical treatments.

Herbal medicines are using at greater extent as these are associated with least side effects. Medicines though give immediate solutions to the health problems or illnesses, leave some side effects which become more fatal to the remaining body functioning system. Herbal medicines are extracted from the natural substances basically the plants and its products.

The practice of herbal medicines are prevailing since the prehistoric days and in India it is very famous and Indian Ayurveda has a big position in the world of herbal medicine. Nearly 80% of the world population is utilizing the herbal products in curing and preventing numerous diseases and its effects. Herbal medicine is associated with the primary health care programs.

All plant life generates certain chemical complex during their ordinary metabolic activities which can be further categorizes as primary metabolites for example fats and sugars available in the entire plants species and the secondary metabolites though found in smaller varieties of plants, particularly in specific species or genus. The identification of healing powers in the plants has lead to growth of various herbal medicines manufacture from different plants and plants extracts.

More than 80,000 plants species are found to contain medicinal properties and widely used in treating and preventing diseases. Herbal medicines are also using in association of other therapeutic programs like acupuncture and a good deal of prescription drugs are manufactured from the plants and plants extracts. Several herbal ingredients are found in the drugs used for healing and preventing diseases for example aspirin manufactured from Salix species whose common name is willow bark and digitalis made from Digitalis purpurea, foxglove.

The most common question arises is that if all the herbal products are beneficial and are they capable replacing the modern medication that is with drugs and associated chemical substances? The answer is that herbal medicines are used generally for treating mild cases and are less effective in case of the serious diseases, this can also be considered on the basis of the longer duration required for the herbal medicine s to effect. At the same time all the plant and plants extracts are safe to use and therefore is essential thing to consult the experts and doctors of the specific field.

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Resveratrol ultra - An effective medicine used for reducing wrinkles produced on the skin

Resveratrol is a Phytoalexin found mainly in the red wine and also in the skins of grapes and in certain other plants, fruits and seeds. It is used for various purposes like anti-aging, to reduce the wrinkles produced on the skin, circulatory diseases, cancer and diabetes.It plays an important role in the fat burning and to increase metabolism.

By consuming resverastrol, your body can be kept fit and healthy. Resveratrol is extremely efficient when it is blended with exact ingredients. That is what is resveratrol ultra is made of. Resvertrol ultra is good enough to keep you fit and energetic. Being young all the time is the dream of many. To keep us young all the times, the aging problem has to be resolved. Resveratrol ultra plays a huge role in fighting age factor.

Some of the health benefits of resveratrol ultra are;

With less efforts, weight can be reduced.

Digestion is improved by a great extent.

A improved performance in cardiovascular and immune system is spotted.

Cardiovascular system’s energy is boosted up.

Improvement in sleep patterns and eyesight are noted.

Your body function is improved by taking 100 mg of resveratrol daily. Increased dosage is suggested for people who suffer from obesity. You can increase the intake of resveratrol daily to reduce the weight, but the dosage should not exceed the 500 mg limit.

The reversing of aging process is possible with the help of resveratrol. With the help of the anti oxidants, you can be fit and young for more number of days. It keeps the diseases like cancer and heart attacks in the bay.

Resveratrol ultra not only consists of substances which help in anti aging. They do consist of enzymes that promote the individual cell growth which helps in strengthening the entire system of our body.

Your body loses cells every time and new cells are produced in the due time.Due to the aging factor, our body is unable to replace the new ones with the older ones. Wrinkles arise in the body due to age factor caused by cell replacement. Resveratrol is quite useful in replacing the old cells with new cells which are stronger than the older ones. Take resveratrol to keep your body healthy and fit.

Resveratrol ultra is used to delay age and to stay young as long as possible. There are plenty of details available about resveratrol ultra in the internet.

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Natural Herbs Tamiflu Effective Medicines To Treat HINI

H1N1 has contributed to a great loss in the travel industry. It led to a decline of 3.4 per cent to a total decline of 14.5 per cent. In July it was reported to have eased the impact of the fear of the virus. You should educate your self about the symptoms of HINI and find out ways to allay them.

The fear of lesser production of Tami flu drugs created havoc across globe. People got traumatized about this disease and fled in huge numbers to the near by health centres to get them examined. Mere cold and any symptoms related to them where considered HINI by most of them. Allay any such fears, do not dread such diseases. Even Tami flu does not prevent the infection, it can only ease down the severity of symptoms such as cough, vomiting, head ache, joint pain, lower back pain, fever, diarrhea and chills etc. There is no scientific evidence that it can prevent H1N1.

Bank on herbs, if you can’t find Tamil flu within your reach. Some herbs such as holy basil, ginger are readily available to you. Goldenrod strengthens the natural protective ability of the body to fight infection and regulate the production of mucus. Pepper mint oil is easily available in the super market, buy them and build your immune system. You can make use of natural antibiotics to act as an effective defense against viruses. Take a one-foot long branch of giloi or Tinospora cordifolia, add five to six leaves of Tulsi and boil in water for 15-20 minutes or long enough to allow the water to extract its properties. Add black pepper and salt, drink this concoction when it is warm.

To keep your throat and lungs clear and free from bacterial infections use tulsi. Five tulsi chewed on a daily basis can work wonders. Aloe Vera is commonly available at most of your homes, take a teaspoon gel with water daily to boost your immunity and keep your self free of any joint pain. Don't wait for a heart attack to strike before you decide to opt for a lifestyle change. Make the change now. You don't need to train for a marathon to be in good shape. Half an hour of brisk walk three to four times a week will make a world of difference to your health. Pyrogenium 200 and Inflenzium 200 are homeopathic medicines which are preventive in nature and can ward off flu virus. Indian gooseberry juice consumed or eaten directly can help you build your defence system against diseases.

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Effective Medicines for Pain Relief

PAIN when discussed physically is the sensation that hurts. Pain is a typical sensory experience that may be described as the unpleasant awareness of a noxious stimulus or bodily harm. Pain may cause discomfort, distress, or agony. Pain is an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage, as described in terms of such damage. In simple words you can describe pain as the unpleasant sensation signaling actual or possible injury. Pain is the most common reason for which the individuals visit the doctor.

Pain is the condition that can be described only by the individual experiencing it. No one else could describe the pain except the person suffering with the pain. The feeling of pain may be tabbing, aching, or pinching. Pain can also be steady or throbbing. Pain is categorized into two type acute pain and chronic pain. Acute pain is the normal, predicted physiological response to a noxious chemical, thermal or mechanical stimulus and typically is associated with invasive procedures, trauma and disease. It is generally time-limited. Acute pain generally disappears when the injury heals. Chronic pain may range from mild to severe. Chronic pain is a state in which pain persists beyond the usual course of an acute disease or healing of an injury, or that may or may not be associated with an acute or chronic pathologic process that causes continuous or intermittent pain over months or years.

The intensity of pain can vary from mild to intolerable and from one person to another. People differ remarkably in their ability to tolerate pain. One person cannot tolerate the pain of a small cut or bruise, but another person can tolerate pain caused by a major accident or knife wound with little complaint. Pain signals travel from the painful part of the body along thousands of specialized nerve fibers through the spinal cord to the brain. Thus, the pain is common condition in the world that each and every man suffers from. Different medicines are available to combat pain. Here, are the some effective medicines for the pain relief:

1. Pain Killers:

Pain killers are the very commonly used medicines to treat the pain. These are mostly available as the over the counter medicines and can be taken for the quick relief from the acute pain. These pain killers stop the sensation of the pain by cutting down the pain signals that are sent by the brain to the affected part. You will note that the pain will start again as the effect of the pain killer is reduced as the reason for the pain was not treated by the pain killer. For the quick and instant relief pain killers are suitable but they fail to give the long term relief. Please don’t use the pain killers on the regular basis as they can make you habitual towards the usage of the drug. Avoid the excessive usage of the pain killers because that can cause the severe harms to your health.

2. Non-opioid Analgesics or Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)

This class of medicines is the most effective treatment against the pain. You can get the fast and permanent relief from the pain with the help of these medicines. NSAIDs relieve mild to moderate pain and reduce fever and inflammation. They decrease the formation of natural substances in the body called prostaglandins. Prostaglandins serve to protect a number of areas in the body such as the stomach and kidneys. By decreasing prostaglandins, NSAIDs lessen the sensation of pain and reduce inflammation. NSAIDs are often used in combination with other drugs such as opioids for treating pain after surgery because, when combined in this way, the pain can often be well controlled with a smaller dose of the opioid.

Aspirin is the oldest NSAID that was first invented by Bayer pharmaceuticals in 1899 to treat the pain. The latest and the newly developed class of NSAIDs is the COX-2 inhibitor that is used to get the instant and permanent relief from the pain. The best available option of COX-2 inhibitors is preferred by the doctors to relieve the pain, inflammation, tenderness, or stiffness caused by rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, painful menstruation, or menstrual symptoms like cramps.

3. Opioid Analgesics

The most largely used class of the analgesics that is mostly preferred to get the relief specifically from the chronic pain and sometimes even from the acute pain. These medications are also known as the narcotics. Opioids are an essential option for treating moderate to severe pain associated with surgery or trauma, and for pain related to cancer. These medicines block pain messages in the body, but they also affect the way we feel about our pain and help us better tolerate it. Our body produces natural opioids (endorphins) as part of its survival response to danger and injury. Because the medications of this class work in the same way as endorphins, they work very well in blocking pain.

It is very important to get the facts about these effective and powerful pain medicines because their under-use has been responsible for much unnecessary suffering. One of the advantages of opioid drugs is that they can be given in so many different ways. For example, they can be given by mouth, rectal suppository, intravenous injection (IV), subcutaneously (under the skin), transdermally (in the form of a patch) or into a region around the spinal cord. The only drawback with the use of opioid analgesics is the more occurrences of the side effects. It is very necessary to contact doctor and take his advice before using the opioid analgesics.

Thus, the best available treatments for the relief from the pain are the NSAIDs that are most effective and are easily available in the market.

Note: This medication are prescription medicines. So, please consult the doctor before using any of these medicines.

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Ephedrine and diet

Sometimes Ephedrine is used to treat low blood pressure and chronic asthma but is most commonly found in diet pills. Ephedrine is a natural stimulant that is a key ingredient in many of the top diet pills on the market today and is known to mainly affect the cardiovascular and respiratory systems of the human body. Ephedrine causes the blood vessels to constrict and enhances certain actions of the heart.

It isn't a surprise that many companies will tell you just about anything to get you to buy their product. You should keep in mind that no weight loss supplement can be approved or disapproved by the FDA so make a wise decision when taking dietary supplements that include stimulants.

Some diet products containing ephedrine have been known to claim that this ingredient speeds up your heart, similar to the way that exercising does. Seems tempting, a workout in a bottle. When using their product you will experience a great decrease in fat and an increase in lean muscle tone. You will get the maximum results if you use the product prior to exercising and eat a completely balanced meal.

In fact there were studies performed that concluded that lean muscle mass is preserved better with ephedrine containing formulas during a weight loss eating and exercising plan. Some physical sports competitions and events don't allow ephedrine because they feel it is a performance enhancing drug.

There was a study performed that included 180 patients who were between the ages of twenty to sixty-five years old. For the study the scientists and researchers divided the patients up into four different groups: ephedrine and caffeine, ephedrine only, caffeine only, and placebo. They were trying to compare the different effects the three supplements had on the human body.

Each patient was given their specific supplement dosages three times a day, one hour prior to eating. The researchers' main goal was to determine which supplements were the most effective for weight loss and how healthy each type was. They were physically examined every week during the 24 week long process.

Every week they would have their hip and waist circumference, weight, blood pressure, resting heart rate, as well as their side effects. Results found that 141 patients completed the entire study process. Out of those 141 the group with the highest weight loss was the group who took caffeine and ephedrine together.

The researchers also found that blood pressure decreased in all of the groups who participated in the study. There were minor side effects noted but were generally gone by the end of the research process. Side effects for the placebo included many things such as dry mouth, constipation, and the jitters.

Article provided by Sven Ullmann, who runs <a href="">Weight Loss and Diet Plans</a> - a site dedicated to healthy weight loss. Read more about <a href="">Ephedrine and Diet</a>.

Natural Remedy For Arthritis

Pain relief is the main area of concern for the sufferers of arthritis. These people have often tried traditional medications without success, they are often not eligible for surgery and as a result, they will see relieve through natural remedies for arthritis.

Because of the increasing cost of the prescription medications, most of the arthritis sufferers are seeking natural remedies for arthritis. Many natural remedies of arthritis and supplements are helpful in reduction of cartilage deterioration and even rebuild a patient�s lost cartilage.


However it is advisable to consult a healthcare advisor before starting any natural remedy for arthritis as supplements can cause adverse reactions and may not be right for your situation.

You should remember one thing that the FDA does not regulate dietary supplements. This is because, plants, fats, proteins and animal organs and tissues as well as herbs, minerals and vitamins doesn�t need approval from FDA.

So some supplements may be beneficial to arthritic patients and some may not. Note also that producers of supplements may very well promote that their supplements work great, but they do not have to use standardized ingredients or recipes, disclose side effects that have been reported, nor prove that the products are indeed effective.

Chondroitin, Fish Oil and Glucosamine

The most popular dietary supplements for arthritis sufferers are chondroitin, fish oil and glucosamine. Chondroitin is helpful in drawing fluid into the cartilage, improving the ability of shock-absorbing and weight control, as more weight leads to more joint pressure. Fish oils are helpful in controlling the inflammation in the body.

According to a recent study, glucosamine is a cartilage-building substance, which is effective in long-term relief of osteoarthritis pain. In some people, glucosamine appears to even slow the deterioration of joints over time and strengthen the joint cartilage.

It is still unclear whether glucosamine is helpful in curing arthritis or not. In some occasions, glucosamine can be used in conjunction with MSM, a substance that appears to slow down the deterioration but is not yet proven and approved.

Natural Remedy For arthritis In Brief:

� Vitamin E � This antioxidant is used primarily for osteoarthritis.

� Vitamin B is also an effective pain reliever. It works best on the knee and can help stop degeneration that is caused by free-radical molecules, not only in the joints but in other areas of the body as well

� Ginger � Ginger is an antioxidant that acts as an inflammatory with no major side effects.

� Glucosamine sulfate � This builds cartilage with very few side effects.

� MSM - This organic sulfur is used in the reduction of inflammation.

� Nettle leaf - Nettles can reduce a patient�s need for NSAIDS (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) by up to 70 percent.

� Chondroitin - Helps draw fluid into cartilage, improving shock-absorbing ability.

� Magnets � Although magnets that are worn as jewelry or placed on bed linens have been reported by some to be effective pain relievers, results are still preliminary; doctors claim that these magnets are not strong enough.

These are merely a few instances of what an arthritis sufferer can use when he wants to go for natural remedy for arthritis. However, due to the lack of scientific study and testing on many of these alternate arthritis treatments, there is no proof of their effectiveness.

Unfortunately, there is no cure available for arthritis. But you can delay the effects of arthritis by maintaining a healthy weight. Exercise regularly and eat a healthy and avoid repetitious movements that cause you pain.

Actually osteoarthritis is not curable, but nutritional supplements, exercise, weight loss, and the application of heat or cold to affected joints can improve the function and flexibility of your joints, and perhaps even slow the progress of the disease.

There's no doubt that the topic of Arthritis remedies can be fascinating. If you still have unanswered questions about arthritis cure, you may find what you're looking for in our website.

About The Author:

Nishanth Reddy is an author and publisher of many health related websites. For more information on how to live with arthritis and relief methods visit his website: Arthritis Relief Guide

Control weight with diet and nutrition

Workout is essential to losing and maintaining excess calories that would otherwise be stored as unsightly fat. Your body weight is determined by the amount of calories you consume and burn each day. Regular workout also helps in the prevention of several diseases and actually improves your physical and mental health.

Many studies have shown that even the inactive people can enjoy the major health benefits of physical activity with at least 30 minutes performed each day. This doesn't have to mean hitting the gym everyday. It can be as simple as mowing the year or taking a nightly stroll after dinner with your mate. In fact everything you do burns calories including things you must do such as sleeping, breathing, and even digesting food.

The key to maximizing your weight loss and health benefits is to balance the calories you consume with the amount of calories you burn. It is simple, if you eat more calories then you consume then it will lead to weight gain and visa versa. If you are trying to maintain the current weight you are at then you want to eat the same amount of calories that your body consumes.

Maintaining a healthy diet and exercise program can do far more than lower your weight. It can also lower the risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, osteoporosis, diabetes, and many different kinds of cancer. There are plenty of websites which offer the most recent findings regarding nutrition and disease prevention, and offers expert guidance on the most effective way to live healthier.

There are millions of people who have realized the importance of a healthy diet but aren't willing to change their bad unhealthy habits. In fact recent reports have shown that the Congressional General Accounting Office has found that only 23 percent of Americans get their daily recommended servings of fruit and only 41 percent get their daily recommended servings or vegetables.

Those who change their daily dietary habits can lose significant amounts of weight regardless of age. Online you can find many websites that address the concerns you may encounter when trying out different strategies for achieving true weight loss in a healthy way.

The healthiest way to successfully lose weight is to decrease calorie and fat intake and increase fat burning in the way of physical activity. If you find that diet and exercise aren't enough then you can consult your physician so they can recommend a weight loss supplement that is suitable and safe for you. There are endless amounts weight loss products all of which aren't approved nor disapproved by the FDA so choose wisely.

Article by Sven Ullmann, who runs <a href="">Deserved Health - information on health for you and your family</a>. Read more about popular <a href="">control weight with diet and nutrition</a>.

The Anti-Cancer and Disease Protocol - How to Beat and Avoid Cancer and Other Diseases Naturally

Many health experts, including oncologists, believe that cancer and other diseases are actually as much immune disorders as diseases. After all, our bodies were designed by nature to have an immune system that defends against disease, illness and infection.

(from the Author's book, "Cancer's Natural Enemy")

Many health experts, including oncologists, believe that cancer and other diseases are actually as much immune disorders as diseases. After all, our bodies were designed by nature to have an immune system that defends against disease, illness and infection. Unfortunately, lack of proper diet, exercise and lifestyle, combined with the chemicals in the water we drink, air we breathe and food we eat, leave most of us with immune systems that are out of balance and far weaker than they could be. As a result, disease and illness are able to gain a foothold.

Almost all modern drugs have side effects. A great many also weaken our immune system and cause side effects leading to other physical problems. That is a big reason why natural remedies are often so effective: Besides fighting cancer and other diseases, many natural foods, supplements and vitamins also help build a strong immune system to help fight off disease, and do so without the side effects of modern drugs or radiation.

One thing is certain: If you want to beat cancer, HIV-AIDS, hepatitis-C or any other major disease, you will have your best chance if you fight back with your entire body and mind. The stronger you can make your immune system, the healthier you are able to make your life, and the more stress free you are able to make your mind, the better your chances will be. That is why I have included in this article so much material from my document “A Guide to Living a Long and Healthy Life: which appears in my book “Cancer’s Natural Enemy” and will be the backbone of my upcoming book “How to Live a Long and Healthy Life” – so that you have the best chance possible of winning the battle to beat and avoid cancer and disease. If you have cancer, HIV-AIDS or another disease, here are the things I highly recommend that you do:

1. As soon as possible, cleanse your body to get rid of built up toxins like heavy metals and pesticides, as well as the undigested food, fecal matter and gallstones that build up in the body by cleansing your colon and liver and by chelation to rid the body of heavy metals. Such contaminations are breeding grounds for, and causes of, disease and illness. A toxic and unclean body weakens the body’s immune system that should be your first line of defense. Plus, once cleansed, the body is much more receptive to the good measures you take to rebuild your immune system and fight disease.

2. Immediately eliminate bad habits and begin building build good ones so that you will make sure that you no longer have habits that weaken your immune system and that you will be able to build your body to fight and conquer illness. Remember, a bad habit is like an invitation card for illness and disease to enter your body. A good balanced diet, pure water, fresh air, sunshine and exercise are some of the essentials. You will find that a good diet does not have to be a bad tasting diet – far from it! However, it should be noted that the very best and most healthy diet is one that is close to the diet our ancestors evolved to utilize: lots of fresh and uncooked vegetables, fruits, nuts, roots and tubors, and fish and meat uncontaminated by growth hormones, artificial fertilizers or pesticides – and little or no grain or dairy products. Likewise, regular exercise does not have to be grueling, but it is essential. It is not a coincidence that studies have shown up that those who exercise only a few hours each week have up to 50% less chance of developing many different kinds of cancer.

3. Rebuild and strengthen the body’s natural immune system. It is very likely that a weakened immune system contributed to your illness in the first place. It is absolutely certain that a rebuilt and strengthened immune system will help you beat your illness and keep it at bay. Again, good diet, nutrition and habits are all important – they lay the foundation for a strong and healthy immune system. However, they are not enough by themselves. You want to build a good foundation and then make your body a healthy fortress against disease and illness. Quite simply, disease and illness hate healthy hosts. The stronger your immune system is, the harder it is for disease to survive and grow. And, to be the very strongest you can be, you need extra measures in the form of supplements as well as the healthiest foods. There are a number of very good ones - and I have listed what I believe are the very best here in this article, along with some of the healthiest foods.

4. Drink plenty of pure water and get plenty of fresh air and sunshine. Water is essential for all healthy life; however, regular tap water contains trace amounts of hundreds to thousands of pesticides, carcinogens and other industrial pollutants. For that reason, the author recommends only the purest drinking water, such as reverse osmosis filtered water. Don’t overdo the sunshine, but sunshine is essential to the production of vitamin D, and, strange as it may sound, has been found to be essential in warding off melanoma.

5. Exercise in moderation. Exercise stimulates the immune system, stimulates the production of natural human growth hormone several times more than the best HGH supplements and stimulators (many of which are bogus), stimulates the production of hormones and pheromones that make us happier and healthier, and simply leads to a longer and happier life period.

6. The sixth element of beating your disease and keeping it at bay is to go on the attack. As a matter of fact, all of the elements of the anti-cancer and disease protocol are elements of attack, because they make the body strong and inhospitable to disease. But what I am talking about here is more than just making the body inhospitable to your disease – I am talking about going on the attack and wiping it out! In the case of cancer, there are many very potent anti-cancer supplements. Some of the best ones play a dual role of both strengthening the immune system and attacking cancer cells, and I have listed many of what I believe are the very best ones here in this section. Several other excellent ones are listed in my book “Cancer’s Natural Enemy”, my document “A Gude for Living a Long and Healthy Life” and an upcoming book by a similar name (“How to Live a Long and Healthy Life”).

7. Avoid sugar to the greatest extent possible. Sugar feeds cancer and other illnesses and causes a myriad of other health problems. Refined sugar is also the number one single cause of health problems in the entire world!

8. The final key to winning your battle is your mental attitude. Remove as much stress from your life as you can and believe that you are going to win. Stress and worry accomplish nothing – worse, they are actually allies of illness and disease. You have surely heard the term “stress, the silent killer”? It’s true! So you must do whatever it takes to remove stress from your life and make your mental attitude your ally. Meditate, take yoga, change jobs, retire, go fishing, find a pleasant hobby – do whatever you must to remove stress and have a positive mental outlook. Just remember, anyone who introduces or keeps worry and stress in your life is neither a friend nor an ally during this fight. And make no mistake, it is a fight - likely the biggest one of your life. But it is a fight you can and will win. Think it, believe it and live it!

The Best of the Best Supplements

Nerium Oleander Extract

First and foremost in a suggested regimen to beat and avoid cancer and disease would be the common oleander plant, nerium oleander. Called the desert rose in the Bible, the oleander plant has been used as a folk remedy for over 2000 years in the Middle East. In 1960 a Turkish doctor named Huseyin Zima Ozel re-discovered the power of this potent plant when he found rural villagers in Turkey who were remarkable free of cancer and other diseases. For the past 40 years, Doctor Ozel has been treating patients in Turkey with great success and in 1998 he was granted a patent for an oleander extract that has since passed FDA phase I trials. Oleander extract has been proven in lab studies at such prestigious institutions as MD Anderson and the Cleveland Clinic to kill cancer cells, stop cancer tumors, build immune systems, and increase the body's natural cancer killing T-cells.

Another amazing quality of oleander extract is ability to stimulate the human immune system – our body’s natural first line of defense in beating and warding off disease and illness. The most active commercially available immune-stimulants are Schizophylan, Krestin and Lentinan, which were patented by the Japanese in the early 1980s. In tests performed in Europe in 1985-86, Nerium Oleander Extract had an incredible SIX TIMES the activity of those other stimulants!

Over 500 trace compounds have been identified in an aqueous oleander extract, and it appears that many of these compounds act synergistically in ways that no single isolate can. For this reason, an aqueous (water) extract may well be far more effective than an ethanol extract because many of the water soluble compounds such as long-chain polysaccharides are lost during the ethanol extraction method. Home-made and commercially prepared water extractions of oleander have been used successfully in numerous kinds of cancers as well as hepatitis-c in patients throughout the world.

Another benefit of oleander extract is that it can be used very effectively as a complimentary treatment alongside traditional chemo or radiation. Besides helping fight cancer and boosting the immune system along, it helps protect the rest of the body and either eliminates or ameliorates every single side-effect of traditional chemo – including hair loss (with one exception, and that being that it does not eliminate hair loss when the chemo treatment includes Cisplatin).

The recipe for making the oleander extract called “Oleander Soup” at home can be found in the author’s book, “Cancer’s Natural Enemy” or can be obtained for free at the Yahoo forum he hosts titled "Oleandersoup".

Please note: Raw oleander plant is extremely toxic. Do not handle or ingest raw oleander or any form of oleander that has not been prepared according to the recipe for “oleander soup” in the book "Cancer's Natural Enemy. While raw oleander is toxic, there have been no reports of serious adverse reactions or side-effects due to properly prepared oleander extract taken according to directions. The most common side-effects are loose bowels, slight temperature and perhaps mild nausea, all of which should dissipate quickly as the body becomes acclimated to the extract.

Agaricus Blazei Murrill Mushroom Extract - “The Mushroom of the Gods”

A few decades ago, researchers noticed that in the mountain region of Ideate near Sao Paulo, Brazil, a regular part of the local inhabitants’ diet was a mushroom known as "Cogmelo de Deus" or "Mushroom of God". The researches also noted that the local inhabitants were extraordinarily healthy and had a very low incidence of disease, which they attributed to this magical mushroom.

The scientific name of the mushroom is Agaricus Blazei Murrill, more commonly called the ABM mushroom and sometimes referred to as Agaricus Brasiliennis. So potent is this mushroom that one well-known rainforest herbal manufacturer, uses it as the main ingredients in herbal supplements that have been credited with success against cancer and other diseases around the world.

In a study conducted by Dr. Shoji Shibata, a professor at Tokyo University, several other well known cancer-fighting and immune-boosting mushrooms were compared to the ABM, including Reishi and Shitake. Dr. Shibata's results found that the other mushrooms were not as effective as the ABM mushroom, and so the ABM was ranked at the top of the list of potent mushrooms - a spot befitting the "Mushroom of God"! Other Japanese and British studies have also shown the ABM mushroom to have the highest concentration of beta-glucan of any mushroom.

The ABM mushroom contains Beta-(1-3)-D-glucan, Beta-(1-4)-a -D-glucan & Beta - (1-6)-D-glucan. Known collectively as Beta-glucans, these long-chain polysaccharides are the most potent immuno-potentiating (immune enhancing) substances yet found. They also have very powerful anti-tumor properties. When human subjects are given AMB in their diet, a 3000% increase of NK cells, a type of anti-tumor white blood cell known as Natural Killer cells, is seen in the blood within 2-4 days.

In addition to beta glucans, agaricus also contains derivatives of ergosterol, a potent anti-tumor agent; double stranded RNA, an anti-viral agent; proteoglucans and protein bound polysaccharides of low molecular weight, which are immune enhancers; and, protein bound polysaccharides of high molecular weight, vitamins B1 and B2, proteins in the form of amino acids, niacin, iron, and calcium. There are many verified reports from around the world of this mushroom being used successfully in late stage cancers that had been determined hopeless and some clinics in Europe base their entire treatment protocols on agaricus blazei murrill mushroom extracts and other complimentary botanicals. In fact, in many published studies, the rate of cure for all types of cancer has been in the high ninety percentile range, even for stage 4 lung cancer, where many complete remissions are often seen in just a few weeks.

Cat's Claw Extract

Cat's claw, or Uncaria surinamensis, has been used for centuries in folk medicine in South America for cancer, AIDS, cirrhosis, disease prevention, gonorrhea, herpes, immune disorders, tumors, and many other aliments. Cat's claw has several groups of plant chemicals that account for its effectiveness: One such group is oxidole alkaloids that have been documented with immune-stimulant and anti-leukemic properties. Another is a group of chemicals called quinovic acid glycosides, which have documented anti-inflammatory and antiviral actions. Antioxidant chemicals (tannins, catechins and procyanidins) as well as plant sterols (beta-sitosterol, stigmasterol, and campesterol) account for the plant's anti-inflammatory properties. A class of compounds known as carboxyl alkyl esters found in cat's claw has been documented with immuno-stimulant, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancerous, and cell-repairing properties. Dr. Donna Schwontkowski, D.C., has stated that Uٌa de gato (Cat’s Claw) is the most powerful immune enhancing herb of all the herbs native to the Peruvian Amazon.

Pau D’Arco Extract

Pau D’Arco, or Tabebuia avellanedae, is a huge canopy tree native to the rain forest with a long and well-documented history of use by the indigenous peoples of the rainforest. Its use may even predate the Incas. Among it's many historical uses are for cancer, leukemia, lupus, diabetes, liver disease, Hodgkin's disease, osteomyelitis, Parkinson's disease, and psoriasis. It also used as a natural anti-microbial and anti-fungal agent and is a popular natural remedy for candida and yeast infections. In the 1960s, plant extracts of the heartwood and bark demonstrated marked anti-tumorous effects in animals. In 1975, one study reported that compounds in Pau D’Arco increased the life span of mice inoculated with leukemic cells by over 80%. In a small, uncontrolled, 1980 study of nine human patients with various cancers (liver, kidney, breast, prostate, and cervix), pure lapachol was reported to shrink tumors and reduce pain caused by them - and three of the patients realized complete remissions.

Coco Plum Extract

The Coco Plum, or Chrysobalanus icaco, is known as "Abajeru" in Brazil and has a history of use there as a folk remedy for diabetes and rheumatism. A relative newcomer to the modern world of herbal remedies, it has been shown in studies to inhibit the cancer cell growth mechanism of angiogenesis (new blood vessels formation) by 44%, thus demonstrating potentially important use in cancer and diabetic treatments. During laboratory tests at the University of Rio de Janeiro, it was found that the substance destroyed cancer cells that had been resistant to other treatments, including cells from breast- brain- lung- bowel- larynx- and pancreas tumors. The scientists also reported leukemia cells that are normally resistant to many medicines and methods of treatment, were also killed.

Bitter Melon Extract

Bitter Melon, or Momordica charantia, is found in tropical areas of the Amazon, east Africa, Asia, and the Caribbean, and is cultivated throughout South America as a food and medicine. It contains an array of biologically active plant chemicals including triterpenes, proteins, and steroids. One chemical has clinically demonstrated the ability to inhibit the enzyme that is linked to the cause of psoriasis and necessary for the growth of leukemia and cancer cells. In addition, a protein found in bitter melon, momordin, has clinically demonstrated anti-cancerous activity against Hodgkin's lymphoma in animals. Other proteins in the plant, alpha- and beta-momorcharin and cucurbitacin B, have been tested for possible anti-cancerous effects. Among the reported properties of bitter melon are: kills bacteria, kills viruses, kills cancer cells, kills leukemia cells, prevents tumors, reduces inflammation, fights free radicals, enhances libido, cleanses blood, detoxifies, treats diabetes, expels worms, reduces blood sugar, balances hormones, reduces blood pressure, enhances immunity, lowers body temperature, mildly laxative and promotes milk flow. Several studies have demonstrated the anti-tumorous activity of bitter melon. In one study, a water extract blocked the growth of rat prostate carcinoma; another study reported that a hot water extract of the entire plant inhibited the development of mammary tumors in mice. Numerous in vitro studies have also demonstrated the anti-cancerous and anti-leukemic activity of bitter melon against numerous cell lines, including liver cancer, human leukemia, melanoma, and solid sarcomas.

Like several of its isolated plant chemicals, bitter melon also has been documented with in vitro antiviral activity against numerous viruses, including Epstein-Barr, herpes, and HIV viruses. In one in vivo study, a leaf extract increased resistance to viral infections and had an immuno-stimulant effect in humans and animals, increasing interferon production and natural killer cell activity.


Mutamba, or Guazuma ulmifolia, is a favorite natural remedy among Central and South American health practitioners and the indigenous peoples of the Amazon. Among the properties documented by research are: lowers blood pressure, antibacterial, anti-cancerous, antifungal, antioxidant, antispasmodic, anti-tumorous, antiviral, cardiac depressant, cardiotonic (tones, balances, strengthens the heart), hypoglycemic, muscle relaxant, uterine stimulant. Furthermore, it has been observed in traditional use to also be affective as an anti-inflammatory, anti-hemorrhagic (reduces bleeding), cough suppressant, anti-ulcerous, astringent, blood cleanser, cough suppressant, decongestant, diaphoretic (promotes sweating), digestive stimulant, emollient, fever reducer, liver protector, and wound healer.

Colloidal Silver

Colloidal Silver is a clinically proven, powerful natural antibiotic. It is believed to kill over 650 different disease-causing pathogens (bacteria, viruses, fungus and yeast). Colloidal silver was used widely from the time of Hippocrates until around 1938 when the use of synthetic antibiotics became popular. Silver in both liquid and airborne-aerosol has been known since 1887 to be extremely toxic to Anthrax spores.

Note: Each of the above botanicals has been used effectively against cancer and other diseases, particularly oleander and the agaricus blazei mushroom. When combined together, it is the author’s belief that the result will be the most potent natural immune boosting and disease fighting combination you can find. All of the above supplements are widely available at many health food and herbal outlets, with the exception of Coco Plum extract (chrysobalanus icaco extract), which, as far as the author knows is only available in combination with some of the other listed item in extracts available at on the web.

Other essential supplements and foods:

· Omega 3 Oils: including fish oil, flaxseed oil and borage oil

· Graviola


· Alpha Lipoic Acid

· Lycopene

· Co-Enzyme Q-10

· Milk Thistle

· Selenium

· Turmeric

· Apple cider vinegar (organic non-distilled is by far the best)

· Astralagus

· Chlorella & Spirulina

· Garlic – include both fresh minced or sliced garlic AND garlic in capsule or tablets

· Good bacteria - such as L. acidophilus and B. bifidium, found in low fat grade A yogurt

· Almonds and walnuts – eat half a dozen or more each day

· Cayenne Pepper

· Grape seed extract

· Blueberries

· Pomegranate juice

· Spinach and other dark green leafy vegetables

Just remember that the bad things you avoid can be as important, if not more so, than the good things you include. Nothing can be more important for avoiding and beating cancer than eliminating sugar.

Required disclaimer: The author is not a qualified medical professional and the information in this arrticle has not been evaluated by the FDA. Nothing in this article is intended to diagnose or treat any medical condition. Anyone who has a medical condition should first see a qualified doctor, preferably a qualified naturopathic doctor or one who has been trained in integrative medicine.

Live long, live healthy, live happy!


The author, Tony Isaacs, is a natural health researcher and author of books and articles about natural health and alternative remedies including "Cancer's Natural Enemy" and "Collected Remedies" (available at his website as well as country songs and humorous anecdotal stories. He is currently working as a volunteer for NFL legend Isiah Roberston's Athletes for a Drug Free America.

Last year, Mr. Isaacs helped a multi-agency government probe expose a fake cancer drug scheme which resulted in the indictement and upcoming trial of five co-defendents. He also assisted in exposing a string of fake medicine websites promoting bogus cures for Cancer, the Flu and other illnesses that led to a three part special on Fox News and action by the FDA in shutting down the sites and business operations.

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